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through the Community Foundation.

New Episode: Hope for Addiction Recovery

Posted on Apr 4, 2024, by

Did you know that drug and alcohol-related deaths in Wisconsin have tripled over the last 15 years? In this episode, we are talking about addiction and recovery. How big of a problem is addiction in our area, what’s being done already, and what are some of the barriers to finding the help people need? 

We are well familiar with Wisconsin’s reputation for being the drunkest state in the nation, where we have 1.3 times higher alcohol consumption rates than the national average. That’s according to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.

Wisconsin ranks 24th in the number of drug deaths in the U.S. And just in Winnebago County alone, deaths from drug overdoses have more than doubled over the past two years, with many other Wisconsin counties reporting similar significant increases.

With this reality in mind, we want to share some hope and some resources in these show notes for anyone struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, or anyone interested in supporting the nonprofits who are working hard to make recovery possible, many of which have received generous support from Community Foundation donors. Scroll down to explore the many nonprofit resources available to help.



Your hosts:

Amy Spreeman

Carolyn Desrosiers





We’re on the air! Listen on The Avenue 91.1





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