What We Do
We award grants from charitable funds created by individuals, families, businesses and organizations to benefit nonprofit organizations doing personally meaningful work in the Fox Valley Region, statewide, nationwide and even globally. These grants that are recommended by our donors represent 90% of our total annual grants.
Grant Results
- Last year, donors recommended about 90% of the $28.6 million awarded from charitable funds managed by the Foundation.
- Donors can give through their funds to accomplish a great variety of charitable goals including:
- Make an annual gift to a place of worship.
- Improve a park or provide access to health care and arts opportunities.
- Enhance job training programs, help a library, build affordable housing.
- Support a child’s or grandchild’s school – public or parochial.
- Provide scholarship grants to schools to help students.
- Benefit a college alma mater.
- Even give to charities in other states.
- Support Fox Valley charities when living elsewhere.

If you’re seeking a grant, stay informed by subscribing our new monthly e-blast, and be sure to share with a friend!