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Your Fund Advisor Portal

Manage your Fund Online

Welcome to your Fund Advisor Web Portal!

As a Fund Advisor, you can easily access information about the funds you manage online, anytime, anywhere. 

Already Have Your Password?

Let’s go! Click this button to access your account: 


Need to set up your new password?

The Portal has generated an email with instructions to all fund advisors inviting them to create a new password to the Fund Advisor Portal site. (This invitation was sent to your email address associated with your account. Check your spam/junk mail if you do not see our message from the Community Foundation.) From that email, select the link, and you will be prompted to create your password to the Portal site. Once your password is created, go to the Portal, enter your credentials, and log in. 

Keep in mind that your Username is your email address associated with your account.

Your new secure password must contain:

      • A minimum 12 characters
      • At least one lower and one upper case letter
      • At least one special character like @ $ %.
      • Do not use consecutive numbers like 123

If you did not receive the link to update your password, email our portal help team.

A Guide To Your Portal:

Once you’ve logged in, you can select the tabs at the top of the page to view the different types of information available. Your Home Page will look like this:

If you are listed as a Fund Advisor for only one Fund, you will go directly to the home page for the Fund. If you serve as a Fund Advisor for multiple funds, you will see the “Choose Fund” menu:

Choose the fund with which you wish to interact.

The home page displays a summary of your fund’s current balance plus the spendable balance, if applicable. It also shows a list of your total contributions and total grants. 

You may see pie charts showing your fund’s top 10 contributors (if applicable), and top 10 grantees. (Scholarship funds will say $0, but you can view payments on the grant history tab.)

Click on the links below to see what each tab contains

  • Click the profile icon in the upper-right area of the Fund Advisor Portal to change your password. Click the Save button to keep the changes.
  • To update your mailing address, phone number, or other household contact information, email your Community Foundation fund contact using the link in the upper right corner of your screen.

A list of contributions or donations to your fund since January 1, 2010. (For fund history prior to 2010, email your Community Foundation contact.)  Clicking on a contributor’s name will bring up the contribution history.  Export this information into an Excel spreadsheet by clicking on the Export tab.detail

A list of grants made from your fund since January 1, 2010. (For grant history prior to 2010, email your Community Foundation contact, linked in the upper right corner of the portal.) Clicking on the grantee name will display the history. Export this information into an Excel spreadsheet by clicking on the Export tab.

A list of grants you’ve made in the past, along with an easy way to make a new grant to an organization or to another fund held at the Community Foundation. You will also see a status list of pending grants you’ve made.

You can recommend a grant using one of four methods:

  1. Select a grantee you’ve given to in the past from the drop-down menu and fill in the amount.
  2. Search for Other Grantees from a dropdown menu.

  3. Search for a nonprofit by using the search bar. Enter keywords such as the organization name.

  4. .If you can’t find the organization using the search feature, you can manually enter the name of the organization, including the mailing address and phone number, and submit your request for approval. If you would like to make a grant to a fund held at the Community Foundation, Women’s Fund, or Appleton Education Foundation, enter that organization manually as the grantee, and hit Submit.

    You will be redirected to a new page to provide pertinent grant details including grant description and amount. In the description field, describe the grant purpose and any special handling. Keep in mind that if you don’t designate a specific grant purpose, your grant will be earmarked for General Support.  Review and Submit Request.

Once you submit your request, the Community Foundation will process your grant. When the Community Foundation accepts your grant recommendation, it will appear on this tab. You will receive an email notification that your grant has been paid.  

We will notify you once the grant has been completed, and it will also appear here.

View or download a current or past fund statement(s).

Donate to your own fund(s) or make a gift to one of the many funds held within the Community Foundation funds. To return to your fund view, click the Home tab.

You may export your fund’s contributions and grant history using this tab.

End your current online session.

Need a printed  copy? Download A Guide to your Portal

We’ve recently added a Financials tab to the fund advisor portal:

This tab allows fund holders to select specific date ranges for the Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Activities. We ask you only generate these statements through the current month closed in our financial system. You will see “DRAFT” in the report title for any month that is not closed. 

Grant Recommendations – For Donor Advised Funds only: 

You’ll see additional updates when making grant recommendations. After entering grant information, click “Add to Grant Requests”- this is like adding items to an online shopping cart:

Then, while in the Grant Recommendations tab, navigate to your Grant Requests on the right-hand side of the screen and click Review:

Finally, on the “Review Grant Request” screen, click “Submit Request” which sends a notification to our grants team:

Locked out? 

Click Forgot Password on the login page. Enter your username (the email address associated with your account) and click the Reset Password button. If an account with that username is found, instructions will be sent to the email address we have on file. 

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us. Our Portal Help Team will assist during office hours 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Here To Help!

If you have questions about giving, your Donor Services representative is always happy to support your charitable goals!

The new Fund Advisor Portal is part of our strategy and commitment to investing in our upgraded information technology, including our databases and web portals.