Director of Gift Planning
Michelle Lippart
Should you choose to designate Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region or an affiliate foundation in Brillion, Chilton, Clintonville, Shawano or Waupaca to receive a donation in memory of a loved one, we suggest the following verbiage in the obituary:
A Specific Fund
Contributions may be made in memory of Deceased’s Name to the Name of Fund. Checks made payable to the Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region with Name of Fund in memo line can be sent to 4455 W. Lawrence St., Appleton, WI 54914.
Not A Specific Fund, to be designated for the general benefit of the community’s needs in the Fox Valley, Brillion, Chilton, Clintonville, Shawano or Waupaca:
Contributions may be made in memory of Deceased’s Name to: Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region, 4455 W. Lawrence St., Appleton, WI 54914. If designating to an affiliate foundation, please write that in the memo line.
Please contact the Community Foundation at 920.830.1290 to speak to someone about establishing a memorial fund for your loved one.