It’s estimated that there are over 85,000 people in the tri-county area of Northeast Wisconsin who cannot afford even limited oral health care. And according to the Dental Association, about a third of all children in the state of Wisconsin have untreated tooth decay. The dental community wanted to do something about that. For the past […]
Be Well Fox Valley is a new United Way Fox Cities initiative designed to improve health and well-being in Calumet, Outagamie, and Winnebago Counties, thanks to support from the Basic Needs Giving Partnership Fund within the Community Foundation and the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation, supported by the U.S. Venture Fund for Basic Needs, the J.J. […]
With memory loss comes new challenges in caring for your loved one’s physical and emotional needs, and caring for your own. That’s often a missing piece in the caregiver’s journey. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, 60% of these caregivers rank their emotional stress as high or very high and many are suffering from depression. For Deb and George, the unexpected journey has often […]
The life of a caregiver caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia can be filled with sources of stress. The repeated questions about the same topics every day. The items lost or hidden. Or the most disconcerting of all – a person with dementia driving off in the car to become […]
A grant from the Robert and Lilas Dohr Current Community Needs Fund within the Community Foundation is helping to provide a school supply packet to each student and supplies for each school site for active play at YMCA Fox Cities. The organization is operating at three childcare centers in Appleton and Neenah, serving children of […]
Thanks to gifts generously donated to the COVID-19 Community Response Fund established by the Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region and United Way Fox Cities, eight nonprofits were recently awarded $80,000 in grants to assist their efforts as they respond to the unfolding public health emergency. That brings the total awarded to 22 nonprofit […]