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Tag: City of Appleton

Building a Collaborative Path to Address Housing Challenges in the Fox Cities

In Spring 2022, Outagamie County took a critical step forward in addressing our region’s growing housing challenges by convening a diverse group of stakeholders to evaluate the data collected for a Housing Needs Assessment. After months of work, this stakeholder group came together to develop a Regional Housing Strategy, and the formation of a Housing […]

Thompson Center on Lourdes Announces Celebrate Life Capital Campaign

Thompson Center on Lourdes announced the public phase of its $6.5 million Celebrate Life Capital Campaign on December 9 to support the renovation and expansion of their future home at 3000 E College Avenue in Appleton next year. The Thompson Center is a nonprofit organization providing opportunities for people 50+ to participate and connect through […]

Grant boosts homeless jobs training program

A $272,142 grant from the Basic Needs Giving Partnership will help Riverview Gardens expand its ServiceWorks program to employ homeless people doing additional cleanup work in downtown Appleton beyond what city crews normally do. Working with Appleton Downtown Inc. and the City of Appleton, Riverview Gardens, a job training program and urban farm on a former Appleton […]